Journal of Physical Activity and Sports (JPAS) <p><strong>Journal of Physical Activity and Sports</strong>, is a national scientific journal that is open to all learning and sports studies for innovation, creativity, and renewal.</p> YLPK Mahardhika en-US Journal of Physical Activity and Sports (JPAS) 2775-4324 ANALISIS KETERAMPILAN SERVIS ATAS BOLA VOLI PADA SISWA KELAS XI AGRIBISNIS TERNAK UNGGAS SMK NEGERI 1 BAWEN <p>This research aims to understand the potential of students of class XI Agribisnis Ternak Unggas SMK Negeri 1 Bawen in performing volleyball overhead serves because many students still have difficulties, such as shots that often fail to pass the net. This research applies a survey method with a quantitative method, and the assessment is carried out using an overhead serve skills rubric. All 64 students of class XI were made research participants. Information was reviewed explicitly and then presented in the form of a percentage. The results showed that most students were in the Good category (65.6%) with a score of 12–14, and the rest were in the Moderate category (34.4%) with a score of 9–11. No students achieved the Very Good, Less, or Very Less classification. The average student score was 11.97, included in the Moderate category. This finding indicates the need for learning improvements to help students improve their overhead service skills.</p> Bagas Mulia Dharmika Yulia Ratimiasih Bertika Kusuma Prastiwi Copyright (c) 2024 Bagas Mulia Dharmika, Yulia Ratimiasih, Bertika Kusuma Prastiwi 2024-12-17 2024-12-17 5 3 102 108 10.53869/jpas.v5i3.227 ANALISIS KETERAMPILAN PASSING BAWAH BOLA VOLI PADA SISWA KELAS X1 AGRIBISNIS TERNAK RUMINANSIA SMK NEGERI 1 BAWEN <p>This study aims to analyze the underhand passing skills in volleyball among 11th-grade students of the Agribusiness of Ruminant Livestock class at SMK Negeri 1 Bawen, as many students still struggle to perform accurate ball passes during underhand passing to their teammates. The research employs a quantitative approach using a survey method and an instrument like a volleyball underhand passing assessment rubric. The research sample consists of all 34 students in the 11th grade. Data were analyzed descriptively and presented in percentages. The study results indicate that the majority of students (88%) fall into the "Poor" category with scores ranging from 6 to 8, while 9% are in the "Fair" category with scores between 9 and 11, and 3% are in the "Very Poor" category with scores below 5. None of the students achieved the "Good" or "Very Good" categories. The variation among students is relatively low, with a standard deviation of 1.263, although there is a significant difference between the lowest score (5) and the highest score (11). This study demonstrates that students' underhand passing skills tend to fall within the low to moderate range, with the majority requiring significant improvement. The findings highlight the need for innovative teaching methods and focused training to enhance students' overall underhand passing abilities.</p> Muhamad Azwan Yulia Ratimiasih Bertika Kusuma Prastiwi Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Azwan, Yulia Ratimiasih, Bertika Kusuma Prastiwi 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 5 3 109 116 10.53869/jpas.v5i3.229 EFEKTIVITAS STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE TEACHING (CRT) DALAM MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PJOK KELAS X DI SMA NEGERI 2 SEMARANG <p>Physical education, sports, and health is part of the school curriculum and includes a variety of materials. The objective of the Classroom Action Research titled "Efforts to Improve iPJOK Learning Relevant to the Needs of Class X-10 Students at SMA Negeri 2 Semarang" is to enhance students' learning outcomes. The main objective of this research is to improve students' academic performance in the subject of PJOK. By identifying relevant learning approach strategies, it is hoped that students can achieve a better understanding, enhance concept mastery, and attain higher achievements in PJOK. This survey research focuses on students as the object of study, with the aim of improving PJOK learning. The research was conducted on 36 students from class X-10 at SMA Negeri 2 Semarang. It can be iobserved that after the intervention, the learning outcomes of the X-10 class students were declared complete, with the highest results achieved ithrough the CRT approach, involving 24 students. This ishows ithat ithe percentage of success of the most effective learning strategy using student strategies has achieved overall classical completeness. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of the CRT approach in learning can enhance the active engagement of students in class X-10 at SMA iN 2 Semarang.</p> Burhan Hendrawan Utvi Hinda Zhannisa Tutur Lukas Waskitho Copyright (c) 2024 Burhan Hendrawan, Utvi Hinda Zhannisa , Tutur Lukas Waskitho 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 3 117 123 10.53869/jpas.v5i3.226 UPAYA MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PSIKOMOTORIK MATERI MERODA PADA PEMBELAJARAN SENAM LANTAI DENGAN PENDEKATAN PEMBELAJARAN BERDIFERENSIASI DI KELAS VIII SMPN 2 SEMARANG <p>This research is based on when students do cartwheels they are still not optimal so that in practice students still have difficulty and have not mastered the technique well. Apart from that, in learning there are still students who have not optimized their learning time as well as possible, they don't pay much attention to the teacher and tend to get bored. In this study, the researcher aims to improve learning outcomes in floor exercise activities on cartwheels using a differentiation learning approach. This research is classroom action research (PTK) which took place in 2 cycles with 2 meetings. The research subjects were 33 class VIII students at SMPN 2 Semarang. Data collection techniques using observation of learning and skills. In cycle I, the percentage of students reached 54.5% who had completed the KKM and 45.4% who had not completed the KKM. In cycle II there was an increase in the category of having completed the KKM as many as 27 students or 84.9% and 5 students or 15.1%. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that using a differentiated learning approach in learning cartwheels on floor exercise activities for class VIII students at SMPN 2 Semarang can improve student learning outcomes.</p> Unggul Kartiko Wibowo Pandu Kresnapati Juwahir Juwahir Copyright (c) 2024 Unggul Kartiko Wibowo, Pandu Kresnapati, Juwahir Juwahir 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 5 3 124 131 10.53869/jpas.v5i3.231 POTENSI SPORT TOURISM DALAM MENDONGKRAK EKONOMI KERAKYATAN <p>This study discusses the role of the Indonesian Community Recreation Sports Committee (KORMI) in developing sport tourism in Central Java. Sports tourism is a combination of sports and tourism that can enhance community participation and regional economic growth. The research employs a qualitative approach with descriptive-analytical methods to describe phenomena, analyze impacts, and identify challenges and opportunities in developing sport tourism. The results indicate that KORMI plays a strategic role in managing and popularizing community-based sports through sports events at tourist destinations, which can increase tourist visits, support local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and create job opportunities. However, the development of sports tourism in Central Java still faces infrastructure and promotion challenges, which need improvement. This study recommends strengthening collaboration between the government, the private sector, and the community to optimize the potential of sport tourism in Central Java.</p> Edi Purwanto Agus Pujianto Amin Pujianti Copyright (c) 2024 Edi Purwanto, Agus Pujianto, Amin Pujianti 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 3 132 138 10.53869/jpas.v5i3.241 A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE FITT PRINCIPLE USING KNEE TUCK JUMP EXERCISES IN INCREASING LEG POWER <p>This research is based on the background of volleyball athletes master volleyball ball club when doing smash the jump is not optimal, as well as when blocking the opponent's smash range is higher than the blocking so it is easy to penetrate. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach with a preexperimental design method with a two-group pretest-posttest design. The sample in this study were 20 volleyball master volleyball ball club athletes. Treatment uses the principles of Frequency, Interval, Time and Type (FITT). Frequency is no more than 2x24 hours, intervals use the principle of submaximal intensity sets and reps, time uses duration based on the increase in heart rate beat per minute (bpm), type uses the aerobic glycolysis energy system. The results of the study were then processed using IBM SPSS 23. While the results of the knee tuck jump 93.10 became 99.00 paired sample T-test hypothesis test on pretest data and posttest data obtained sig value (2-tailed) = 0.002. Based on the results of the study, the application of knee tuck jump training has an effect on increasing leg power.</p> Muh Isna Nurdin Wibisana Muhammad Atiq Noviudin Pritama Utvi Hinda Zhannisa Copyright (c) 2024 Muh Isna Nurdin Wibisana, Muhammad Atiq Noviudin Pritama, Utvi Hinda Zhannisa 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 3 139 145 10.53869/jpas.v5i3.234 IMPLEMENTASI PENERAPAN P5 DALAM PENDEKATAN CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE TEACHING DI SMKN 8 SEMARANG <p>This study aims to determine the application of the Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) approach in the Pancasila student strengthening project (P5) at SMK N 8 Semarang. The CRT approach is a learning method in which all students can receive the same teaching, without distinguishing their cultural background. P5 activities are applied to develop the character profile of Pancasila school students. The study used a qualitative method with descriptive data analysis techniques. Descriptive data analysis techniques explain the facts and phenomena found in applying CRT in the P5 project. The results of this study are the application of the CRT approach in P5 activities at SMK N 8 Semarang by integrating songs, dances, and regional musical instruments in classroom learning. Students are introduced to Central Javanese culture by practising regional songs and dance every Wednesday in the P5 subject. The conclusion of this study is that students at SMK N 8 Semarang apply CRT in the P5 project by making Central Javanese culture, especially traditional dances and regional songs, into co-curricular activities that are carried out for six hours a week and integrating cultural topics.</p> Dimas Indra Yuliana Copyright (c) 2024 Dimas Indra Yuliana 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 3 146 154 10.53869/jpas.v5i3.254 MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN SERVIS BAWAH PERMAINAN BOLA VOLI MELALUI STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN BERDIFERENSIASI PESERTA DIDIK KELAS X SMK N 7 SEMARANG <p>The purpose of this study is to improve student learning outcomes, especially the psychomotor aspect, namely lower service skills in volleyball games in class X of SMK Negeri 7 Semarang. Differentiated learning methods are used in this study. This class action research involved 36 students in class X of SMK Negeri 7 Semarang. The source of data for learning outcomes is an evaluation carried out at the end of each learning cycle and findings from teachers who teach physical education subjects in class X. Instrument to collect data through observation. documentation and tools for assessing under-service skills. Qualitative descriptive forms are used to analyze research data. documentation and tools for assessing under-service skills. Qualitative descriptive forms are used to analyze research data. The stages of data presentation include data reduction, data appearance, and conclusion drawn. The data triangulation method is used to test the validity of the data. The results of the study showed that class X students who used differentiated learning had better volleyball serving skills. In the pre-cycle, the completeness of the students' scores was 41.67%, increased to 69,44% in the first cycle, and increased again to 80,56% in the second cycle. The average score before the action was 67, but it increased to 84 in cycle II. Therefore, the research has been successful. Class X students of SMK Negeri 7 Semarang have improved their bottom service skills in volleyball games by using differentiated learning strategies.</p> Ahmad Faturohman Husnul Hadi Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Faturohman, Husnul Hadi 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 3 155 163 10.53869/jpas.v5i3.258 PEMBELAJARAN PJOK BERBASIS PENDEKATAN CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE TEACHING (CRT) DI SMK N 8 SEMARANG <p>This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) approach in Physical Education, Sports, and Health (PJOK) learning at SMK N 8 Semarang. CRT is used to answer the challenges of cultural diversity of students, by integrating local cultural values in the learning process. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The research population includes all PJOK teachers and students at SMK N 8 Semarang, as well as documents related to learning. The research sample consists of one PJOK teacher and students in a particular class that is the focus of the CRT approach. Learning documents such as the Lesson Implementation Plan (RPP), evaluation tools, and teaching materials were also analyzed. The sampling technique used purposive sampling to ensure the representation of subjects that are relevant to the research objectives. The results showed that PJOK teachers succeeded in integrating local cultural values in learning through traditional games, contextual discussions, and culture-based sports activities. Students responded positively to this approach, which created an inclusive and meaningful learning environment. This study contributes to the development of local culture-based PJOK learning practices in vocational high schools.</p> Rafika Nurratri Tubagus Herlambang Copyright (c) 2024 Rafika Nurratri, Tubagus Herlambang 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 3 164 173 10.53869/jpas.v5i3.242 PENGARUH PASSING STATIS DAN DINAMIS TERHADAP PENERIMAAN BOLA PERTAMA SEPAK TAKRAW SMK N 3 SEMARANG <p>This study aims to investigate the influence and differences between static and dynamic <em>passing</em>exercises in receiving the first ball. The research method uses the M-S (Matched Subject Design) standard. The total population is 15 students and the sample is 12 students, using the purposive sampling technique. The research instrument with the first ball acceptance test was retested with validity of 0.79 and reliability of 0.96. The independent variable is the practice of static and dynamic passing, the dependent variable is the ability to receive the first ball. Data analysis used the t-test statistic at a significance level of 5% with d.b n-1. The results of the research were: 1) The t-score of experimental group 1 was higher than the t-table (5.869 &gt; 2.571) which means that there was an influence from static <em>passing</em>training. 2) The t-score of experimental group 2 is higher than the t table (6.932 &gt; 2.571) which means that there is an influence from dynamic <em>passing</em>training. 3) the test results for the difference between the T-score of static and dynamic <em>passing</em>exercises is smaller than the T-Table (0.209&lt;2.571), which means there is no difference in influence.</p> Viki Ardi Rosyanto Dani Slamet Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 Viki Ardi Rosyanto, Dani Slamet Pratama 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 3 174 180 10.53869/jpas.v5i3.268 ANALISA KONSENTRASI TERHADAP PERFORMA SHOOTING ATLET PETANQUE BINAAN KONI ACEH <p>Concentration is believed to greatly affect performance in shooting in the sport of pétanque. Good concentration will be able to create points in shooting, thereby achieving optimal performance to attain victory. The research aims to analyze the concentration of shooting performance in the sport of petanque. A quantitative approach was taken to understand and address the existing issues. Total sampling was conducted involving a population of 11 players. The data collection technique was carried out through several stages: (1) concentration measured through the Grid Concentration test, and (2) shooting accuracy measured using the shooting ability test at a distance of 8.5 meters. The research results show that concentration significantly impacts shooting performance (r = 0.62), with concentration contributing 38.44% to shooting accuracy. Good concentration will have a significant impact on shooting performance, so concentration also requires a training process for its management.</p> Novi Lidya Isdarianti Masri Masri Karimuddin Karimuddin Nurhadi Santoso Agus Wiyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Novi Lidya Isdarianti, Masri Masri, Karimuddin Karimuddin, Nurhadi Santoso, Agus Wiyanto 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 3 181 187 10.53869/jpas.v5i3.280 SURVEY KETERAMPILAN TEKNIK DASAR PERMAINAN BOLA BASKET PADA EKSTRAKURIKULER TIM BOLA BASKET PUTRA DI MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 2 KEDIRI TAHUN 2024 <p>This research is motivated by the lack of ability of each individual student in playing basketball in grades X and XI of the extracurricular basketball team of the boys of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Kediri. This study aims to determine the level of basic basketball technique skills in the extracurricular basketball team of the boys of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Kediri. This research is a quantitative study. The population in this study was the entire extracurricular basketball team of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Kediri. The sample of this study was the extracurricular basketball team of the boys of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Kediri totaling 32 samples. Sampling used purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique used tests and measurements. The results of this study indicate the level of basic basketball skills in extracurricular basketball team boys at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Kediri, as many as 11 people are categorized as Sufficient in basic dribbling technique skills with a percentage (34%), as many as 12 people are categorized as Sufficient in basic passing technique skills with a percentage (38%), as many as 12 people are categorized as Sufficient in basic shooting technique skills with a percentage (38%).</p> Moh Irfan Cahyono Putra Wing Prasetya Kurniawan Puspodari Copyright (c) 2025 Moh Irfan Cahyono Putra, Wing Prasetya Kurniawan , Puspodari 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 3 188 198 10.53869/jpas.v6i1.281 EVALUASI PRESTASI OLAHRAGA SEPAK TAKRAW PERSPEKTIF SPORT SCIENCE DI KABUPATEN GRESIK <p>The 2023 East Java Provincial Sports Week (PORPROV) Edition Eight has been held in four districts: Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Mojokerto City, and Jombang. The event ran smoothly, and the medal tally achieved by Gresik Regency, with 28 Gold, 45 Silver, and 48 Bronze, placed them in 7th position in the standings. Out of 121 medals in the Sepak Takraw Sports branch, no medals have been contributed from the 5 events contested, and in 2 consecutive PORPROV events, Gresik's Sepak Takraw team was eliminated in the quarter-finals. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Quantitative refers to information that is quantified. The method used to collect data is a survey with questionnaires, where the data collection technique involves providing concepts with various values. The design of this research uses the survey method, which involves sampling from a population and using a questionnaire as the primary data collection tool. The results of the study on the Biomechanics Pillar and the Rehabilitation Pillar have Very High Validity, with a correlation above 0.90 considered valid. Whereas the Physical Pillar, Psychological Pillar, and Nutritional Pillar have High Validity: Correlation 0.80 - 0.89 indicates a High relationship. And the Health Pillar has Moderate Validity. A correlation of 0.70 – 0.79 indicates moderate validity.</p> Moh Hanafi Luqmanul Hakim Muhammad Muhyi Copyright (c) 2024 Moh Hanafi, Luqmanul Hakim , Muhammad Muhyi 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 5 3 199 209 10.53869/jpas.v5i3.283